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About Us

Welcome to our website!

The idea for 4Munch was first conceived when I was searching for UNIQUE gifts for Valentine’s Day on the internet.  I Googled UNIQUE gifts and all that came up were websites for flowers and chocolate.  I thought “where is the UNIQUEness?”  I decided there needs to be a website where people can describe what they did for their loved ones on Valentine’s Day that was so UNIQUE and amazing.  We don’t all have creativity so sometimes a boost from someone else will still make another person smile.  Well, my idea started to kick into overdrive with the incredible amount of creativity in the world.  I soon expanded my considerations to Inventions, Art, Charity, Business and so many other areas to explore.

There are certain categories I hold dear such as the Veterans section.  I served roughly 12 years in the military but never saw combat….thank God.  But for those who have, my heart goes out to the family and friends who have lost loved ones in the wars past and present and for those now struggling to return to a normal way of life.  Here I’m hoping to recognize the amazing strength of our military who had to transform their lives due to unfortunate events while deployed.  Their struggle and accomplishments should be a testament that no matter what is put before you in life, no task is unachievable.

I also want to give a shout out to my departed father, William Benulis, who was a comic book artist in the 50’s and had to give up his love of drawing back then because he wanted to raise a family and comic books were not paying the bills.  His legacy remains with us forever as he has several comic books inked in his name and has been admitted to Wikipedia.  This website is my legacy that I want to leave to my daughter so she will understand who I was as a person and that there are a lot of wonderful people in this world.  Other websites reporting news tend to focus on grim and disaster stories for the shock and awe response from people.  Granted, there is a lot to be learned that the news presents but what can we learn from people dying in a plane crash or at war in troubled countries?  This doesn’t have to be the case as it is up to us to make this a better place to live for ourselves and our children.

I hope you enjoy this website as much as I enjoy building it.

Remember, make it UNIQUE and please visit often.

Love to all!

Stephen Benulis


4Munch, Inc.